Kaiju No. 8 is an action anime series that started in 2024. In Kaiju No 8 have total 12 episodes, with 0 filler episodes and its filler percentage is 0%. So far 12 episodes of Kaiju No. 8 have been aired divided into 1 season. Kaiju No. 8 has no reported any filler episode.
FILLER | Filler episodes not related to the main story, So you can skip these episodes. |
MIXED | Mixed episodes have only some parts of main plot, so watch only the specified minutes. |
CANON | The canon episodes are the main story(Manga) of anime, so you have to watch all of them. |
Episodes Quick Guide
Manga canon Episodes: 1-12
Anime canon Episodes: No
Solo Leveling Filler Episodes: No filler Episodes
Kaiju no 8 Episodes List